Safety technician is essential for every business with human staff.

Health & Safety

In PPC we provide counseling (risk identification, assessment and control in the production process, preparation of procedures in cases of emergency, etc.) and suggestions (occupational risk assessment, drafting of Health and Safety manual, measurements of harmful factors of the working environment, etc.) related to its Health and Safety as required by Law 1568/85.

Pylos Pest Control - Υπηρεσίες - Τεχνικός ασφαλείας - Γεωργικές επιχειρήσεις
Pylos Pest Control - Απολύμανση - Απεντόμωση - Τεχνικός Ασφαλείας - Γεωργικές επιχειρήσεις
Looking for the best solution concerning disinfection, disinfestation, mouse control for your agricultural enterprise? We are at your service.